We wanted our attendees to get to know the incredible talent in the Artist Alley a little better, so we asked each of our artists to answer a couple questions about themselves and their art.

Hi, I’m Judy! I’m a full time college student in tropical plant sciences who enjoys crocheting, sewing, and drawing on the side. I mainly crochet kawaii handmade amigurumi plushies and design cute stickers.
What was the first thing you made/wrote/drew?
My mother introduced me to sewing when I was in elementary school. My first complete project was a beanie with cat ears for a friend’s birthday present. I picked up more creative hobbies as I grew older and had the money to pursue those interests.
Tell us about your creative process, from the beginning of a typical piece to its completion?
All the items I create are things that I enjoy. I usually have an image in my mind of something that I would like for myself, for example: I wanted a pineapple keychain for myself for awhile before I started crocheting, so I decided to make one. I often start with a sketch of the basic shape of the item, then I start the amigurumi with my prior knowledge of what combination of crochet stitches create certain shapes. It can take a couple of tries to get the product I want; the pineapple keychains had about 3 prototypes made before I was happy with it. After that the item is good to go and I am able to create more of them from the pattern that I created.
Who or what are your influences?
One of my biggest inspirations is Twinkie Chan; she is a crochet artist who creates amazing kawaii accessories and items usually based on food items. I’m also inspired by adorable animals, my favorite video games, and our Hawaiian islands.
What plans do you have for the future of your art?
I hope to always create art throughout my lifetime. I’d like to continue selling my art on the side and hopefully one day do it for my full-time career. If not, I’d like to be able to share with others how great creating art can be and to encourage others to pursue their interests.
Do you have any good advice for emerging artists?
You can be good at anything that you’re willing to practice. You want to learn how to draw? Go ahead! Pick up some inexpensive sketchbooks and pencils and draw away. You want to learn how to crochet? Buy a cheap skein of yarn and a crochet hook and watch youtube videos to learn how. You don’t need a fancy tablet or a fancy crochet hook set or any other expensive material to be good at something, you just need to practice and keep at it.
What do you hope people get out of you artwork/writing/etc?
I want people to look at my work and feel happy. I create kawaii items because it’s something that I enjoy myself, something that makes me happy. I hope to share with others how great handmade and locally created items can be.
To date, what works of yours are most satisfied with?
My favorite item would probably be my amigurumi unicorn. I’m happy that it’s an original piece of mines that seems to get the most positive attention from others. I also think it’s extremely cute (even though it takes so long to make)! My other favorite items are the cat stickers that I designed. Those stickers were probably my first digitally created items that I still enjoy to this day.
Will you have any convention exclusives or deals available at CCH?
Yes! If you can show us that you’re following @loadsocuties on Instagram, you will receive $1 off your entire purchase. This is an early bird deal that will only be available on Friday during the convention.
Make sure to stop by LoadsOCutiesĀ in the Comic Con Honolulu Artist Alley July 29-31, 2016!